History Mystery

Some of you may already know about this mystery. Thanks to my IRK teacher who emailed this to me last year(including pictures).

The above picture shows Abraham Lincoln.

The above picture shows John F. Kennedy.

They were both Presidents.

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.

John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.

John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.

Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.

Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.

Both Presidents were shot in the head.

You have the rights to have goosebumps after you read the next few sentences.

Lincoln 's secretary was named Kennedy.

Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln .

Both were assassinated by Southerners ( inhabitant of the south).

Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.

The above picture shows Andrew Johnson. He succeeded Lincoln and was born in 1808.

The above picture shows Lyndon Johnson. He succeeded Kennedy and was born in 1908.

Now the above picture shows John Wilkes Booth who assassinated Lincoln. He was born in 1839.

Meanwhile, the picture above shows Lee Harvey Oswald who assassinated Kenned. He was born in 1939.

Both assassins were known by their three names and both names are composed of fifteen letters.

Still having those goosebumps? Hang on, we're almost done.

Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford.'

Kennedy was shot in a car called ' Lincoln ' made by 'Ford.'

Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse.

Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a theater.

Don' cry, we know you're scared.

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.

What's more surprising are these statements below:

A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe , Maryland.

A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.

Now that, fellow readers, is a mystery.

The Boy in The Box

Who is he that we are referring to?

This boy is unknown until today. The police, detectives and homicide investigators have been asking the world their heads out but there are no response from people saying that they know anything about the boy. Not even parents or relatives had reported a missing child.

When was he born?

Those of you who understood the first explanation on the identity of the boy would know the answer to this question. He is unknown, so, nobody knows when he was born. Although he is unknown, he was said to be about 4 to 6 years old.

What was his story?

This boy is included as a mystery because he was found dead in a cardboard box in Philadelphia, America. It was a violent death but there were no proof for sure that he was tortured.

Investigators found surgical marks scars on his body and there were bruises all over his head and face. The surgical scars are mainly on his chest and groin and they had healed quite well.

(Discovery Site)

Investigators also found out he didn't eat three to four hours before his death but it is impossible to know how long he has been dead due to the cold weather there.

He was known as "America's Unknown Child".

Our theory:

It was as if the boy had been used for surgical purposes but he refused at the last minute. May be that's why he had scars over his body.

Image sources:


Easter Island

It's name?

It is named Easter Island by the first European visitor, Jacob Roggeveen on an Easter Sunday 288 years ago, in 1722.

He didn't name it "Easter Island" but instead Paasch-Eyland
( in Dutch for Easter Island).

The island's official Spanish name is Isla de Pascua.

The current Polynesian name of the island is Rapa Nui. "Nui" means big, so, it is also called Big Rapa.

What and where is it?

Easter Island is a cultural island and one of the most isolated island located in Chile, South America. It's shape is almost like a triangle.

(Easter Island. A little bit more to the East according to this picture is Chile.)

Is it inhabited?

For your information, inhabited means occupied.
Easter Island is inhabited by some normal people and some indigenous people. Meaning to say there are people living here.

It's history:

The population of Easter Island has decreased more than once due to famines, epidemics, civil war, slave raids colonialism and deforestation.
How come?
Think and get your minds working again.

Why statues?

I'm sure some of you are wondering, why is this island full of statues?
Let me tell you the reason for this.
Building statues is a culture for the Rapanui ( inhabitants ) in order to represent the statues as their ancestors. They worship their ancestors as idols.

It was believed that the living had a beneficial relationship with the dead where the dead would provide safety and fortune to the living and the living could provide the dead with a better place in the spirit world.

Easter Island today:
(statues or people?)

Not mysterious enough for you?


Instead, think of this:

What did their ancestors do that made them idols for their descendants?

Source of images:


The Lost City of Atlantis




All these questions are going to be, hopefully, solved.


People say Atlantis is a cartoon on Disney Channel. Plato said it was a legendary island in the Atlantic Ocean west of Gibraltar that sunk beneath the sea during an earthquake.

Now you know how powerful an earthquake can be. If it could sink an island, imagine what it could do to you!


Atlantis does exist! If it doesn't exist, why would Disney make a movie, Atlantis: The Lost Empire? Usually, ideas come from facts. Facts are true stories or legends, you may say.

Since islands are made of magma or lava, yes, that's right. When plates move away from each other, magma from beneath the Earth's crust rises and solidifies. Therefore, forming an island.

The same goes to when plates move towards each other. Cracks in between the Earth's crust allows magma to rise and so, forming an island.

These solidified magma aren't strong enough to handle an earthquake. Thus sinking the city of Atlantis.

In the movies, Atlantis would rise back up to the surface but in real life no one has ever encountered seeing an island appear out of no where and says Atlantis is "now here". Get it?
If you don't, too bad.

I'm sure most of you know "Lost And Found". Quite several people admitted they found the Lost City of Atlantis but we're not sure if it is really The Lost City.

We're not sure if what we just typed in answered the questions earlier but at least you know something about The Lost City of Atlantis, we hope.

We let you decide.

Source of images:
